Sovereignty Served Cold
- Analysis
- September 5, 2019
Exceptionalism is usually used to describe how liberal democracies handle major security threats. However, governments also use exceptionalist policies to deal with economic crises. This development is troubling for both economic and political reasons.
What do Boris Johnson’s attempt to …
READ MOREDoes the world need more Canadians? Global Affairs Canada recently announced a new initiative to send more Canadians abroad to help developing countries fight poverty. The new …
READ MOREI was on the lookout for Russians when I should have been looking for icebergs. As part of …
READ MOREThe Iran nuclear deal was Track One. But its roots are Track Two. So whither Track Two in this new century?
Track Two diplomacy exists quietly – on the margins of international affairs. The term ‘Track Two Diplomacy’ was coined …
READ MOREPublished on the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage Blog, December 9, 2014
These are difficult days for defenders of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine, which holds that the international community must be prepared to act when countries “manifestly fail …
READ MOREIn this final installment of the CIPS Blog Greatest Hits 2013-14, we turn to the topic of Soldiers and Spies. It spans a range of military and security controversies that arose both in Canada and globally. They include new powers …