How to Articulate a Haitian Solution to International Assistance?
How to Articulate a Haitian Solution to International Assistance?
Event Date: November 16, 2022 - 12:00 to 1:30pm EST Location: Webinar
Organized by CIPS’ Fragile States Research Network, in partnership with the uOttawa’s Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire et de valorisation des savoirs en Haïti (CRIVASH)
Once again, the security, governance and socio-economic crisis that is afflicting Haiti is making headlines in the media. Prime Minister Ariel Henry has called for strong international intervention to neutralize the gangs that have taken over entire areas of the country, but there is no consensus on this idea either at the UN or domestically. Some suggest that solutions must come from Haitians themselves, especially on the political and security fronts. Others indicate that even a Haitian solution will require substantial reinforcements from the international community. Hence the question that will animate this panel: how to articulate the construction of a minimal consensus in Haiti, on a negotiated transition and on the mandate of a possible new UN mission in the country, with significant contributions by the UN and other partners of Haiti?
This event will take place in French.
Ilionor Louis: Professor at the State University of Haiti and Director of the Center for Equality, Knowledge, Communication and Freedom (ECCEL)
Youdeline Chérizard: Lawyer, deputy secretary general of the Federation of Bars of Haiti (FBH) and doctoral student at the State University of Haiti
Sébastien Carrière: Canadian ambassador to Haiti, holder of a master’s degree in political science from Laval University
Chantal Ismé: Feminist activist, community researcher and member of the Haitian Coalition in Canada against Dictatorship in Haiti (CHCCDH)
Stephen Baranyi : Professor and Coordinator of the Fragile States Research Network, CIPS, uOttawa