Event Date: November 23, 2012 - 11:00 am
Location: FSS4007, 120 University Private, , Ottawa
JOHN MUNDY and PETER JONES, University of Ottawa.
Presented by CIPS.
Free. In English. Registration is not required.
Peter Jones is Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, and an expert on security in the Middle East and track-two diplomacy. Prior to joining the University he held various positions related to international affairs and security at the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Privy Council Office, and the Department of National Defense. He has just returned from a tour of the region, where he talked about Iran’s regional situation with various officials and scholars in Turkey, Egypt and Israel.
John Mundy is a former Canadian diplomat and the last Canadian Ambassador to be appointed to Iran. In 2007, when attempts to agree upon a reciprocal exchange of Ambassadors between Iran and Canada failed, he was expelled by President Ahmadinejad and diplomatic relations were downgraded. Subsequently, in September 2012 relations between Iran and Canada were suspended and the two Embassies closed. He is currently Associate at CIPS for the year 2012-2013 and is writing a book on his experience in Iran.
Presenters will discuss the recent history and prospects for diplomacy with Iran and its current stance in the region more than a year after the so called Arab Spring.
Watch the video (CPAC)
Read related blog posts by Peter Jones and John Mundy.