Event Date: February 5, 2024 - 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Location: FSS 4004, 120 University Private, University of Ottawa
Presented by CIPS, Ottawa Dialogue, and the Neuberger-Jesin Professorship of International Conflict Resolution, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Jonathan Cohen is Executive Director of Conciliation Resources and will speak about the organisation’s experience of facilitating dialogue and providing meditation support in protracted conflict situations such as the Horn of Africa, the Philippines, the South Caucasus and Kashmir.
At a moment of profound geopolitical polarisation and persistent armed conflict he will reflect on some of the challenges NGOs face in working with conflict parties and peacebuilding partners.
Invited Speaker:
Jonathan Cohen – Executive Director of Conciliation Resources
Jonathan was appointed Executive Director of Conciliation Resources in May 2016. He joined Conciliation Resources in 1997 and developed the Caucasus programme focusing on dialogue and confidence building initiatives to promote peacebuilding in the Caucasus. In September 2008 he became Director of Programmes overseeing Conciliation Resources’s regional programmes in the Caucasus, Colombia, West Africa, East and Central Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Philippines, Fiji and India/Pakistan in relation to Kashmir. Previously he served as Deputy Director of the Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations in The Hague, working with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. In 2018 Jonathan became Chair of the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO). Jonathan has taught peace and conflict studies at the London School of Economics and broadcast on radio and television about the Caucasus. He has degrees from the universities of Bristol, London and Oxford. In 2007 he was awarded an OBE by the British Government for services to conflict prevention and conflict resolution in the Caucasus. Languages other than English: Russian.
Dr. Peter Jones, Full Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa and Executive Director of Ottawa Dialogue.
Dr. John Packer is Neuberger-Jesin Professor of International Conflict Resolution in the Faculty of Law and Director of the Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa