Event Date: May 1, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Location: FSS 4004, 120 University Private
Presented by CIPS and the Fragile States Research Network (FSRN)
This presentation offers a comprehensive exploration of the intricate relationships between the Taliban and key anti-US regional powers, including Russia, Iran, and China, in the aftermath of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Despite their historical opposition to US influence in the region and on the global stage, these countries have swiftly moved to establish relations with the Taliban, providing them with support and value in both regional and international arenas. The intriguing scenario of these countries, traditionally at odds with US policies, now engaging with and backing the Taliban raises compelling questions about their strategic calculations and motivations. By delving into the complexities of these relationships, the presentation aims to unravel the enigmatic dynamics at play and shed light on the broader geopolitical context shaping their interactions. Through a nuanced analysis of the evolving landscape in the Afghanistan region, it will examine the implications of this alignment for regional stability and security, as well as the potential ramifications for international dynamics.
This event will take place in English. In person only.
Dr. Faramarz Tamanna is a Research Associate at the Center for International Policy Studies (CIPS) at the University of Ottawa. Prior to joining CIPS, he was a Professor at the School of Diplomacy and International Studies (DIS), University of Afghanistan. Also, he was the chancellor of this university too. He did his PhD in International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)- New Delhi, India (2014), PhD in International Relations at Tehran University (2010), MA in International Relations at Shahid Beheshti University (2006), and BA in Political Science at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran (2001). He has taught at several universities since 2008.
You can read his full CV here.

Tattiana Currey, former analyst on Afghanistan World Bank Group and PhD student, School of International Development and Global Studies, University of Ottawa
Benjamin Zyla is full professor in the School of International Development & Global Studies at the University of Ottawa where he directs the ‘Peacebuilding and Local Knowledge network (PLKN) and is the co-director of the Fragile States Research Network (FSRN). A political scientist by training, his work has focused on peacebuilding in fragile and conflict affected societies, post- conflict reconstruction, collective action problems of international (security) organizations, and qualitative methods. He has held teaching and research positions at Harvard University; NATO Defence College; Institute for Advanced Study, Konstanz University; École Normale Supérieure de Lyon; and Stanford University.