Peer-reviewed publications by CIPS members: 


Abrahamsen, R., Drolet, J-F., Williams, M.C., Vucetic, S., Narita, K., & Gheciu, A. (2024). World of the Right: Radical Conservatism and Global Order. Cambridge University Press.

Abrahamsen, R., Adler-Bell, S., Vucetic, S., & Williams, M.C. (2024). The World of the Radical Right. Dissent,71(2), 38-47.

Albrecht, P., Patey, L., Abrahamsen, R., & Williams, P.D. (Eds.) (2024). Special Section: The Transformative Effect of International Peacekeeping. International Affairs,100(3).

Albrecht, P., Patey, L., Abrahamsen, R., & Williams, P.D. (2024). From Peacekeeping Missions to Global Peacekeeping Assemblages. International Affairs,100(3), 899–917.

Abu-Zahra, N. (2024). Aid for Peace Revisited: A New Paradigm for Understanding Conflict and Development. In Wildeman, J., & Muhannad Ayyash, M. (Eds.). Canada as a Settler Colony on the Question of Palestine. University of Alberta Press.


Best, J. (2024). Central Banks’ Knowledge Controversies. New Political Economy,29(6), 857–871.

Brown, S. (2024). When Development Cooperation Principles Clash: Country Ownership and LGBTQI+ Inclusion in Hostile Environments. Journal of International Development,36(7), 2790-2804. 

Brown, S. (2024). Is This What a Feminist Policy Looks Like? Foreign Aid Under the Trudeau Government. In Scott, K., Macdonald, L., & Trew, S. (Eds.) The Trudeau Record: Promise v. Performance. James Lorimer & Company Ltd., 280-290.

Brown, S. (2024). Foreign Aid in a Changing World. In Dauncey, E., Desai, V., & Potter, R.B. (Eds.) The Companion to Development Studies (Fourth Edition). Routledge, 328-332.


Clark-Kazak, C. (Ed.) (2024). Forced Migration in/to Canada: From Colonization to Refugee Resettlement. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Clark-Kazak, C. (2024). Introduction. In Clark-Kazak, C. (Ed.). Forced Migration in/to Canada: From Colonization to Refugee Resettlement. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Clark-Kazak, C. (2024). Forced Migration Across the Life Course: Social Age, Chronological Age and Family Status. In Clark-Kazak, C. (Ed.). Forced Migration in/to Canada: From Colonization to Refugee Resettlement. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Clark-Kazak, C. (2024). Making Home in Canada: Housing and Forced Displacement. In Clark-Kazak, C. (Ed.). Forced Migration in/to Canada: From Colonization to Refugee Resettlement. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Clark-Kazak, C. (2024). Unaccompanied Minors in the Borderlands: Suspicions and Assumptions at the Intersection of Gender and Social Age. In Feghali, Z., & Toner, D. (Eds.). Routledge Companion to Gender and Borderlands. Routledge.

Clark-Kazak, C. (2024). Chapter 22: Key Issues Relating to Ethics When Conducting Research with Forcibly Displaced People. In Freedman, J., & Santana de Andrade, G. (Eds.). Research Handbook on Asylum and Refugee Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, 337-348.

Clark-Kazak, C. (2024).Chapter 18: Ethical Issues in Communicating and Sharing Migration Research Findings. In Zapata-Barrero, R., & Vintila, D. (Eds.). How to Do Migration Research. Edward Elgar Publishing, 152-157.

Clark-Kazak, C. (2024). Aging In and Out of Place: Lived Experiences of Forced Migration Across the Life Course. Lived Places Publishing.


Desrosiers, M-E., & Hubert, N. (2024). Citizen Participation During the 2014 Protest in Burkina Faso: Aspiring to a ‘Good State’. African Affairs,123(490), 33–54.

Desrosiers, M-E., & Mahé, A-L. (2024). The Mediation of Autocratic Regimes: How Local Officials Shaped Authoritarian Systems in Rwanda and Sudan. African Studies Review,67(1), 129-156.

Flynn, C., Harvey, C., Desrosiers, M.-E., Couturier, P., Cribb, M., Petrucci, G., Fernet, M., Lapierre, S. & Cousineau, M-M. (2024). La persistance du pouvoir au-delà de la rupture : analyse des tactiques de contrôle post-séparation envers les femmes ayant un parcours d’itinérance. Intervention,159, 137–152.


Gheciu, A., & von Hlatky, S. (2024). Irreconcilable Differences? NATO’s Response to Russian Aggression Against Ukraine. International Journal,79(2), 275-296.


Huggins, C., and Kinyondo, A. (2024). Securitization of the Mining Sector? The Role of the Armed Forces in State Interventions in Tanzania. The Extractive Industries and Society,17, 101441.

Huggins, C., Siwale-Mulenga, A., & Parmelo, S. (2024). Gender, Livelihoods and Local Development in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Areas: Evidence from Gemstone Production in Zambia and Tanzania. Extractive Industries and Society,18, 101461.


Jones, P. (2024). Multitrack Diplomacy and Inclusion: Is Patchworked Peacemaking Really a Way Forward? Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 1–15.

Juneau, T. (2024). Canada’s Instruments of National Power Suffer from Crippling Human Resources Vulnerabilities. International Journal,79(3), 454-457.

Juneau, T. (2024). Unpalatable Options: Confronting the Houthis. Survival,66(5), 183-200.


Pentz, B., Ehrlick, T., Katz-Rosene, R.M., & Loring, P.A. (2024). From Greedy Grocers to Carbon Taxes and Everything in Between: What Do We Think We Know About Food Prices in Canada and How Strong is the Evidence? Canadian Food Studies,11(2), 58-77.

Bell, I., & Katz-Rosene, R.M. (2024). The Contested Futures of Just Transition in Canada’s Energy Sector. Studies in Political Economy,105(2), 161–173.

Katz-Rosene, R.M. (2024). Is Cell-Based Meat a Climate Solution for Canada? : Interpreting Lifecycle Footprints Within the Domestic Agri-Food Context. Canadian Food Studies,11(1), 131–156.


Laliberté, A. (2024). Le bouddhisme à Taïwan : quelle influence après trois décennies de transition démocratique ? Social Compass,71(2), 272-288.

Laliberté, A. (2024). ‘Buddhism(s) for this World’ and ‘Engaged Buddhism’: Some Key Differences. Journal of Social Innovation and Knowledge,1(1), 44-64.

Landriault, M., & Renaud, J. (2024). Russian Informational Campaigns and NATO in the Arctic. Nordic Review of International Studies,3, 88-96.

Landriault, M. (Ed). (2024). Special Collection: Media Representations of the Arctic. The Northern Review,56.

Landriault, M. (2024). Introduction: Media Representations of the Arctic. The Northern Review,56, 5-8.

Landriault, M., Millette, M., & LaFortune, G. (2024). Representations of Inuit Issues on X (Twitter): Who is Framing Inuit Issues and How? The Northern Review,56, 57-76.

Landriault, M., Walling, J., & Minard, P. (2024). Public Opinion on Defence Spending in Canada: Not All Polls are Created Equal. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal,30(3), 307–314.

Pic, P., Landriault, M., Lasserre, F., & Roussel, S. (Eds.) (2024). L’Arctique et le système international. Presses de l’Université du Québec.

LaFortune, G., & Landriault, M. (2024). The Coverage From Russian Press Agencies of the Greenland Purchase Story. The Polar Journal,14(1), 333–349.

Landriault, M., Millette, A., & Renaud, J. (2024). The Arctic Twittersphere and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. ARCTIC,77(2), 104-115.

Leblond P. (2024). Anu Bradford, Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology Oxford University Press, 2023, 599 pages. World Trade Review,23(4), 548-550.

Lenard, P.T., & Moore, M. (Eds). (2024). Democracy and Morality: Religious and Secular Views. Brookings Institution Press.

Lenard, P.T. (2024). 23: Migration Studies. In Takala, T., & Häyry, M. (Eds). Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics in the Social Sciences. Edward Elgar Publishing, 159-165.


Massot, P. (2024).  Liu, Yuxi. Les relations Québec-Chine à l’heure de la Révolution tranquille (Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2022), 312 p.  Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française,77(3), 163-165.

Massot, P. (2024). China’s Vulnerability Paradox: How the World’s Largest Consumer Transformed Global Commodity Markets. Oxford University Press.

Mendes, E.P. (2024). Two Western Canadian Provinces Asserting Provincial Sovereignty Seek to Challenge the Fundamentals of Canadian Constitutional Democracy and Order. Perspectives on Federalism,16(1), 184-210.

Maechler, S., & Boisvert, V. (2024). Valuing Nature to Save It? The Centrality of Valuation in the New Spirit of Conservation. Global Environmental Politics,24(1), 10–30.

Maechler, S., & Graz, J.-C. (2024). Uncertainty in Times of Ecological Crisis: A Knightian Tale of How to Face Future States of the World. European Journal of International Relations,30(4), 818–841.

Graz, J. C., Chenou, J. M., Urrego-Sandoval, C., & Maechler, S. (2024). Globalize IPE, Not Just the Syllabi! Virtual Classrooms Interactions and the Making of the Atlantic Diagonals Glossary. Review of International Political Economy,31(4), 1322–1341.


Paris, R. (2024). The Future of UN Peace Operations: Pragmatism, Pluralism or Statism? International Affairs,100(5), 2153–2172.


Ratelle, J-F. (2024). For Putin and for Sharia: Dagestani Muslims and the Islamic State By Iwona Kaliszewska. Translated by Arthur Barys. Ithaca, NY: Northern Illinois University Press, an imprint of Cornell University Press, 2023. 168 pp. American Ethnologist,51(4), 647-648.


Coward, M., Paterson, M., Devetak, R., Moulin, C., Shah, N., Zehfuss, M., & Zevnik, A. (2024). On the Horizon: The Futures of IR. Review of International Studies,50(3), 415-424.

Simon, S.E., & Laugrand, F. (Eds.) (2024). Feathered Entanglements: Human-Bird Relations in the Anthropocene. University of British Columbia Press.

Simon, S.E. (2024). Entangled Lives: Toward a Phenomenology of Amateur Birding in Modern Japan. In Simon, S.E., & Laugrand, F. (Eds.). Feathered Entanglements: Human-Bird Relations in the Anthropocene. University of British Columbia Press.

Simon, S.E., & Laugrand, F. (2024). Introduction: Humans and Birds in the Anthropocene. In Simon, S.E., & Laugrand, F. (Eds.). Feathered Entanglements: Human-Bird Relations in the Anthropocene. University of British Columbia Press.


Vucetic, S. (2024). Atlas Asunder? Neo-Liberal Think Tanks and the Radical Right. International Affairs,100(5), 2173–2193.


Williams, M.C. (2024). Classical Realism. In Dunne, T., Kukri, M., Kušić, K., & Smith, S. (Eds.). International Relations Theories, 6th edition. Oxford University Press.


Sexton, R., & Zürcher, C. (2024). Aid, Attitudes, and Insurgency: Evidence from Development Projects in Northern Afghanistan. American Journal of Political Science,68(3), 1168-1182.

Coleman, K., von Billerbeck, S., Eckhard, S., & Zyla, B. (2024). Local Knowledges in International Peacebuilding: Acquisition, Filtering, and Systematic Bias. International Studies Review,26(4).