Alexandra Gheciu & Pascal Griset (Paris-Sorbonne)
La Diplomatie Scientifique au défi des enjeux de Sécurité (Science diplomacy in the face of security challenges)
Professors Alexandra Gheciu (CIPS-OttawaU) and Pascal Griset (Paris-Sorbonne) have received a research grant for a project on the role of scientific diplomacy in the transatlantic space. This is part of a program meant to support research partnerships between Ottawa U faculty members and French academics. It is jointly sponsored by Ottawa U and the French Embassy. Pascal Griset will be Visiting Researcher at CIPS in May 2024.
Benjamin Zyla (uOttawa), Katelyn Cassin (uOttawa), Sarah von Billerbeck (University of Reading, UK), Katharina Coleman (University of British Columbia), Steffen Eckhard (Zeppelin University, Germany)
SSHRC Connection Grant
Strategies and Tools to Improve Local Knowledge Inclusion by International Peace Organizations
These funds are supporting a workshop hosted by the Peacebuilding and Local Knowledge Network (PLKN), a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant-funded research group, being held in Geneva, Switzerland from March 7-8, 2024. This workshop will bring together academics and practitioners to collaboratively develop a Local Knowledge Utilization Survey – a self-assessment tool for peacebuilding practitioners to evaluate their understanding, acquisition and integration of local knowledges into their decision-making and operational activities. This tool will help to reveal biases, barriers and change opportunities for international peacebuilding organizations regarding their processes and practices around local knowledges inclusion.
Benjamin Zyla (uOttawa), Katelyn Cassin (uOttawa), Sarah von Billerbeck (University of Reading, UK), Katharina Coleman (University of British Columbia), Steffen Eckhard (Zeppelin University, Germany)
MINDS Targeted Engagement Grant
Strategies and Tools to Improve Local Knowledge Inclusion by International Peace Organizations
These funds will support a forthcoming workshop hosted by the Peacebuilding and Local Knowledge Network (PLKN) at the University of Ottawa. This workshop will focus on pivoting our Local Knowledge Utilization Survey for use by national militaries and agencies, like the Canadian Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces, to generate insights into biases, barriers and change opportunities in their practices around local knowledges inclusion. This workshop will convene Canadian and international policy-makers, practitioners and academics for this purpose.
Chris Huggins
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
The Role of Informal Waste Collectors in Emerging International Plastic Regulation
Pascale Massot
SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Opinion publique et couverture médiatique canadienne sur la Chine : Différences entre les communautés linguistiques francophones et en anglophones (Canadian public opinion and media coverage of China: Differences between French- and English-speaking communities)
Scott Simon (Chair); André Laliberté (Co-chair)
Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Research Chair in Taiwan Studies
Christina Clark-Kazak
Collaboratory on forced migration in Canada
This bilingual, pan-Canadian Collaboratory aims to increase public knowledge and awareness of forced migration issues in Canada; curate and create interactive, up-to-date, open access, bilingual multimedia resources on forced migration; and, mobilize knowledge of colleagues with lived displacement experiences, including Indigenous peoples and newcomers.
Jean-François Ratelle
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Connection)
Mobilisation of foreign fighters in the former Soviet Union
Srdjan Vucetic
DND Minds Grant
AUKUS One Year Later
This project is part of the CIPS Research Initiatives
Marie-Eve Desrosiers & Haley J. Swedlund
DND Minds Grant
Capacity-Building Across the Humanitarian-Peace-Development Nexus in the DRC: Lessons for Canada and Beyond
Alexandra Gheciu and Michael Williams
SSHRC Insight Grant: 2021-2025
A ‘community of values’? NATO in an illiberal, post-pandemic world
This project is part of the CIPS World Order Research Programme
Rita Abrahamsen
SSHRC Insight Grant
Global Right, Global White: Transnational Radical Conservatism and South Africa
This project is part of the CIPS World Order Research Programme
Jacqueline Best
SSHRC Insight Grant
Varieties of Ignorance in Economic Policymaking
This project is part of the CIPS World Order Research Programme
Thomas Juneau
SSHRC Partnership Engagement Grant
The COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for the Canadian national security and intelligence community
In partnership with the Canadian Association of Security and Intelligence Studies
The project will study the implications of the pandemic for the intelligence community.
The project is part of the CIPS National Security Policy Network.
Maral Kichian & Christoph Züercher
SSHRC Insight Grant
Out of Fragility – When, How and Why Fragile States Recover
This project is part of the CIPS Fragile States Research Network
Mathieu Landriault – OPSA
1. Department of National Defence – MINDS program
In partnership with the Observatoire des administrations publiques autochtones (OAPA) from École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP).
The project will compare the response of civilian and military organisations to the COVID-19 pandemic in different Arctic communities.
2. The Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes
In partnership with the Observatoire des administrations publiques autochtones (OAPA) from École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP).
The project will study the transboundary cooperation in the Eastern part of the North American Arctic, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath.
Roland Paris
SSHRC Insight Grant
Competing Sovereignty Discourses in Contemporary World Politics
This project is part of the CIPS World Order Programme
Ryan Katz-Rosene
SSHRC Insight Grant
Unravelling the growth-environment paradox: Sustainability discourses for the Anthropocene
Christoph Züercher
Insight Development Grant
From “Women” to “Peace”Understanding Causal Relations in the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda
This project is part of the CIPS Fragile States Research Network
Benjamin Zyla
Partnership Development Grant
Peace-building and Local Knowledge Network (PLNK)
This project is part of the CIPS Fragile States Research Network