Event Date: November 27, 2015 - 11:30
Location: Social Sciences Building, 120 University Pvt., room 8003 (8th floor)
Presented by the CIPS, the Fragile State Research Network and the Africa Study Group of the Canadian International Council/National Capital Branch.
Free. In English. Registration is not required. Seating is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
Barely two years after winning its independence from Sudan, South Sudan was plunged into a new war that is estimated to have killed over 50,000 persons, displaced millions, destroyed vital infrastructure and deeply damaged the social fabric. In August 2015, a Compromise Peace Accord was signed, enabling parties to end the war and establish a government of national unity. What is the status of CPA (II) implementation? What are South Sudan’s ongoing humanitarian needs, as well as its plans for peacebuilding and statebuilding over the longer term? What are international actors, notably Canada and the European Union, doing in South Sudan. What are international actors’ options for the next phase?
This panel will take stock of South Sudanese conflict dynamics, and explore future prospects for peace and development in the country.
Hüstin Läkü: Founder of Canadian Friends of Sudan and a graduate of the uOttawa Development and Global Studies program
Arnold Kammel: Director, Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy
Louise Ouimet: Chair, Canadian International Council Africa Study Group and retired Canadian ambassador.
*Please note: Photos and/or video recordings of this event may be posted on the CIPS website, newsletter and/or social media accounts.