Event Date: February 8, 2013 - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: FSS 6004, 120 University Private, Ottawa
SYMPOSIUM presented by the Fragile States Research Network at CIPS in partnership with the School of International Development and Globalization Studies.
The 2011 New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States recognizes that few fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS) are on track to reach the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. As a result, it calls on international actors and host state partners to transform their modus operandi in FCAS. Yet research suggests that Western official development assistance have been subordinated to security strategies in some war affected FCAS and that development results have been modest at best. Clearly, there is urgent need for evidence-based dialogue on Canadian engagement in different FCAS contexts.
Bringing together academics, Canadian government representatives and non-government experts, this conference created space for constructive, evidence-based policy dialogue on the development dimensions of Canadian engagement in FCAS. Strategic lessons learned from the Haiti and South Sudan engagement were discussed, as well as what can be learned from Canadian engagement in Mali, which is not typically defined as a fragile state but where Canada is extensively involved.
9:00 am Opening plenary: The changing international environment and Canadian development engagement in fragile & conflict-affected states (room FSS4007)
10:30 am Break-out sessions: Lessons & opportunities in priority FS
12:30 pm Lunch: Gender inequalities in FCAS: Challenges & options (room FSS4007)
2:00 pm Mali (room FSS4007)
3:30 pm Roundtable: The future of development in fragile states – options for Canada (room FSS4007)
5:00 pm Closing Remarks
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