Event Date: November 12, 2014 - 3:30 pm
Location: University of Ottawa, Social Sciences Building, room FSS-4006, 120 University Private
JOHN GUNNELL, SUNY Albany and University of California.
Presented by CIPS, Carleton University, the International Theory Network (ITN) and the Security Studies Network (SSN).
Free. In English. Registration is not required. Seating is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
There is a persistent myth that political science and political theory, despite their occupancy of the same professional residency, represent different intellectual vocations with separate but star-crossed, histories. Their actual common historical lineage is well-documented, but what has not been critically examined are the problems deriving from the idealist epistemology that continues to inform both enterprises.
John Gunnell is Emeritus Professor at Suny Albany & Visiting Professor at University of California, Davis