Event Date: February 1, 2011 - 4:00 pm
Location: Social Science Building, 120 University pvt, Room 4004
A talk by Thomas Bernes, Centre for International Governance Innovation.
International Political Economy Network Speakers Series, presented by CIPS.
Free. Registration not required. In English with a bilingual question period.
Prior to joining CIGI, Thomas A. Bernes was director of the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office. Before that he was executive secretary of the joint IMF-World Bank Development Committee and deputy corporate secretary of the World Bank. From 1996 to September 2001, Mr. Bernes was the IMF executive director for Canada, Ireland and the Caribbean. He has been assistant deputy minister of finance and G7 finance deputy in Canada and served as the senior international economic official representing Canada at high-level meetings. In addition to holding various senior finance, foreign affairs and trade policy positions within the Canadian government, Mr. Bernes served as head of the OECD’s General Trade Policy Division in the mid-1980s. He is a graduate of the University of Manitoba.