
The Gender, Peace, and Development Research Network, sponsored by CIPS, provides a platform for exchange and collaboration among University of Ottawa researchers, students as well as colleagues in other institutions including NGOs and government officials, who work on the overlapping themes and research priorities related to ‘gender equality’, ‘peace and security’, and ‘international development’.

The University of Ottawa has a critical mass of researchers across departments and faculties who are working on these overlapping themes.  Experts focus on a range of issues, for example:  challenges of justice in war-affected societies like Colombia and Syria; the possibilities and limitations of feminist international assistance for peace and development; national and international commitments to Women, Peace and Security; sexual violence in conflict;  post- conflict reconstruction; local knowledges for peacebuilding; indigenous and non-indigenous conflict resolution; the effectiveness of aid in statebuilding; intersectionality and disability inclusion; re-examining the state from below; as well as possibilities for and the dilemmas facing Canada in its commitments to supporting peace processes and international development in countries such as Afghanistan, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Haiti.

Network Coordinators

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