Event Date: October 12, 2011 - 12:00 pm
Location: Social Sciences Building, 120 Universi
Panelists: MODESTE MBA TALLA, JOHN NKOKO LIPAMBALA, ARLETTE MAYALA NKOSI, University of Ottawa. Chaired by STEPHEN BROWN, School of Political Studies, and STEPHEN BARANYI, School of International Development and Global Studies
Presented by the Fragile States Research Network at CIPS, in association with the African Study and Research Laboratory.
Free. In French, followed by a bilingual discussion period.
Registration required. To register, please contact [email protected].
Panel presentations:
- “The securitization of the DRC’s electoral process: For whose benefit?”, Modeste Mba Talla, PhD candidate, School of Political Studies
- “The political conversion of armed groups in the D.R. Congo: The legitimization of the political order and (de)democratization”, John Nkoko Lipambala, Visiting Professor, School of Political Studies
- “Congolese women’s participation in the in the peace process: From the global discourse to the local”, Arlette Mayala Nkosi, M.A. student, School of International Development and Global Studies
A light meal will be offered.