• Economic Exceptionalism0

    In the aftermath of 9/11, we entered a moment of political exceptionalism: we were told that in normal times, certain basic civil rights applied, but these were exceptional times and the normal rules didn’t apply. Suddenly, practices like torture, detention …

  • 100 Years of the Republic of China: Reason to Celebrate0

    October 10, 2011, marks the centennial anniversary of the Hsinhai Revolution and the subsequent establishment of the Republic of China (ROC). The revolution’s political philosophy, developed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, was the “Three Principles of the People.” Principles of minzu

  • The Ugly Underside of Arab Liberation0

    This post first appeared on the CIC’s Roundtable blog at opencanada.org.

    Coptic Christians have good reason to be worried in the new Egypt. The popular revolution, led by secular young democrats who successfully overthrew the regime of Hosni Mubarak, …

  • Diaspora Voters, Canadian Voters: What Roles?0

    In a recent Globe and Mail column, Jeffrey Simpson notes that the Harper government’s pro-Israel stance is likely responsible for a shift of Jewish Canadians toward the Conservatives, who were supported by 52% of Jewish voters in the last election. …

  • Arctic Ice, Oil Sands Protests, and Canadian Climate Change Policy0

    Last month saw two events of interest on the climate change front.

    One is the protest on September 26 in Ottawa by activists opposing the proposed Keystone XL pipeline to be built from Alberta to Louisiana in order to take …


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